Cyanophora paradoxa
New daughter set created every four weeks
Daughter set……….…50umol quanta m-2 s-1
Mother set………….…16umol quanta m-2 s-1
Grandmother set….….16umol quanta m-2 s-1
Q: We are thinking of ordering CCMP 329. It grows with AF6. On the website, it states it grows with DY-V+ FWT or DY-V+NDS+ FWT. What is FWT and NDS?
A: The FWT stands for freshwater test medium, while the NDS stands for North Dakota Soil. The North Dakota soil we have is soil that is free from herbicides and pesticides, and some cultures grow better when a small amount of soil is placed in the bottom of the tube. The freshwater test medium (FWT) is what we use when we do axenic tests with the culture in the collection. However, for routine culturing, CCMP329 is grown in AF6.
Microspectroscopy of the photosynthetic compartment of algae (