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The NMCA public collection holds 2800 strains of microalgae and macroalgae from around the world (visit our strain map server if you'd like to see where they are from).  These strains are from at least 50 classes of algae, as some of our strains have yet to be taxonomically characterized (grey bar in the plot below).  Each class of algae is broken down into the strains that are in the living/active collection (solid color bars) and those that have been successfully cryopreserved (white bar bounded in the same color). The classes of algae are color coded as to whether or not they are of a green or red algal lineage, while the cyanobacteria are shown in cyan.  


So where do NCMA cultures get distributed?

NCMA holds strains collected from around the world, and we distribute them back to the U.S. and the world.  During Fiscal Year 2019, NCMA strains were distributed to 36 of the 50 U.S. states, with some states placing more than 25 orders over the course of the year. During the same year, NCMA has also distributed cultures to 37 countries around the world!  NCMA is proud to serve as this global resource supporting the development of an algal-based research and commercialization endeavor.

 U.S. distribution of NCMA strains.

 International (non-U.S.) distribution of NCMA strains.